Hey I''m
I help individuals & company Directors with their money. Serving as an Apostle to the marketplace for women (and some men of course), I advise and give you the freedom tools for financial wellbeing and spiritual and wealth transformation.
CIMA Qualified Accountant
Management Consultant
Director of BeniRatio Finances
Published Author
Founder of Woman ON Purpose Ministry
Worship Minister
Finance & Freedom Coach,
based in the UK
I am a
In the past, I unconsciously subscribed to the notion that you should focus on ONE thing… but I’ve since learnt, that when you have more than one God-given gift (talent), you must trade and do business with them ALL!
With over a decade of experience in finance, working on multi-billion pound projects for the government and two of the Top 4 Global Accountancy Firms, I recognise that my flair for making money and understanding numbers is an inherent gift that I must share.
I’m committed to helping business owners, charities, and all forms of company Directors achieve FREEDOM. Whether this is freedom from the weight of finance and accounting requirements of running a business; freedom to awaken, activate, and ignite God-given purpose in you; freedom from the rat-race of a 9-5; or freedom to create options for yourself and create generational wealth, I am all about it!
After working closely with company Directors these past few years, I’ve noticed a recurring issue. They (or maybe it's you) have feelings of excitement and encouragement when they see their business making money… but that disappears because they have to still wake up on Monday morning and go to a job they don’t like. Or even if they have made the jump to a full time entrepreneur, they struggle with the fear of wondering how long it will last and may not necessarily be be getting the lifestyle they want. I want you to know that there IS a way out . You can CREATE options for yourself and get the future that you want.
How can I
serve you?
I’ve seen too many business owners, charitable organisations, and company Directors struggle financially because they aren’t able to make sense of their numbers or adhere to their finance & accounting obligations. With BeniRatio Finances, your struggle comes to an end. We help you set up the correct financial foundation so you can build and run a financially successful business.
As an Apostle to the Marketplace for Women, I am pioneering two key culture changes: 1) Women have a part to play in the end time movement, and must arise in the body of Christ and 2) Women must be financially empowered to help/support the funding of the gospel. As the Founder of Woman ON Purpose (WOP) Ministry, I have the privilege of leading women through a series of bible study teachings, prophetic word charges, declarations and prayer in both physical and online events.
Want me to address you and your
audience for your company or event?